Monday, February 11, 2008

Prefuse 73: Preparations & Interregnums
(Do yourselves a favor and cop some *roomies, yup!)

The obscure onslaught continues to re-define life into a beat. Majestic beat crafter Prefuse 73 returns with another stellar interstellar record, "Preparations & Interregnums". Never one to follow overstepped paths or revolve around the same musical centricities, P73 beautifully leans off the creative directions of his last efforts while still dragging the cadavers of "One Word Extinguisher" and "...Uprock Narratives" behind him.

Composed into two film-score like tiers, the record further distinguishes Prefuse from any artist in his genre, fuck it any artist period, toma. The inner workings of "Preparations" serve as a solid introduction into the absolute, amazing, chew a chocolate mushroom in Vondel Park audio portrait "Interregnums". This second half is designed to exhaust your eardrums with so many new sounds and patterns you'll be forced to pull a slight Van Gogh just to purchase a fresh set of ears for the replay.

One of the standout singles, "The Class of 73 Bells", burner:

Peep homie live in Sao Paulo back in 2004:

No further review is necessary, if you haven't bugged out on these sounds, please begin.

*Roomies: Psychedelic Mushrooms Bitch!

Posted By Los for Pimpin' Pens

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